Welcome to Lucy’s Natural Remedies

Hello and welcome to Lucy’s Natural Remedies, your safe place to learn more about plant-based remedies and natural products to help you Take Control of Your Healing. Here you will learn about the many benefits of cannabis and hemp and how the plant works with your body.
From “Stoner” to “Ganja Geek”
I’ve been the source of cannabis knowledge and wisdom for my friends for many years, but it sure is funny how things change. While once I was known to my college friends as “The Chimney” because I always had something lit on me, now I’m the person they seek for advice to treat anything from their pets, parents, children, to of course themselves. All those years of hyperfocusing on this plant and trying to understand why it is so helpful to myself and others finally started to have a serendipitous, beautiful purpose.

A little bird on your shoulder 
After many years educating and advising patients and friends on the benefits of cannabis, I decided to create a place to share my knowledge with others. Just like I have done for family, friends, and countless dispensary patients, I want to show you how using natural products can help you in your daily life.
Think of me as that little red bird on your shoulder, chirping away guidance and recommendations so that you can feel empowered to make decisions about your health with confidence.
More than a guide–A friend to cheer you on
Over the past few years, I have developed products and teaching guides based on the needs I have seen after helping thousands of cannabis patients. Looking for a yummy way to medicate with full-spectrum CBD? Check out Lucy’s Lozenges, which are made using a 200-year old family recipe. Want to figure out what strains and methods work best for you? Try out My Chronicles Journal, both in hardcopy and digital. Are you a natural-born klutz in constant need of pain-relief? Lucy’s Luck Lavender Salve will be your new best friend. Just found arrived in a new town and need someone to make sense of the menus? Try a Chatting with Lucy Call. Feeling overwhelmed and need a guide? My Learning with Lucy packages were made just for you!
You can rest assured that this website will always provide you with up-to-date information and vetted products.
Want to learn more from Lucy?
Medicating with cannabis and hemp can be overwhelming and expensive. Let me be that bird on your shoulder, chirping away guidance and wisdom to help you begin your journey to Take Control of Your Healing.
Here’s a gift to get you started! Download my ultimate guide to Understanding Terpenes and How They Work with Your Body. Find out how these little buds are the ones working the real magic and pulling the strings behind those cannabinoid curtains.