
An average of twenty-two veterans take their lives every day.
Read that again. Twenty-two.
There is no doubt this vital part of our community deserves the best when it comes to medicine and mental healthcare.
Let me introduce you to an organization that does just that.
The Unprescribed Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit founded by Veterans and Mental Health Professionals to bring Suicide Awareness to the masses with a combination of expert panels, audience Q/A sessions, and its internationally known documentary, Unprescribed.
Plants Over Pills
Amid the opioid and suicide epidemics, increasing numbers of veterans are turning to cannabis as a safer alternative to pharmaceuticals. Unprescribed reveals a history of prohibition steeped in racism and political motivation.
A Hero’s Journey
Would you like to learn about Steve Ellmore, the founder of The Unprescribed? Check out A Hero’s Journey: Fighting for Medical Cannabis as a Patient, a Veteran, and an Advocate. Steve Ellmore, a 20-year Air Force veteran, shares how his personal experience led him to become a medical cannabis patient and how his award-winning 2020 film, Unprescribed, documents the stories of veterans, cannabis advocacy, and the fight to end veteran suicide. ➡️ Read the full article here
What’s next for The Unprescribed?
At present The Unprescribed is developing a hybrid documentary/podcast series, The Up!-Life as a precursor to a TV series about overcoming trauma. The Up!-Life brings inspiring stories of resilience and perseverance in the face of life’s greatest challenges. Each episode features unique individuals and communities who’ve faced life-altering events and their respective journeys of healing.
Looking forward, their vision is to produce a two-season documentary series about military trauma, PTSD, and veteran suicide. Based on relationships built through The Up!-Life series, each episode will feature familiar faces, stories and efforts of overcoming adversity. Today, The Up!-Life series serves as precursor by building a foundation of relationships with inspiring stories to lift hearts and discourage thoughts of suicide to inspire people to Live The Up-Life! #LifeUnprescribed