What’s on Lucy’s bookshelf?

Top Five Canna-Reads
Are you looking to do a little DIY research on our favorite topic? Take a look at the list I put together below to get your journey started.
I curated this list straight from my bookshelf with my Amazon shopping links so you don’t have to waste time shopping around. There’s even a few that are FREE with your Kindle subscription!
1. The ABCs of CBD
“Why pot is NOT what we were taught.”
The is one of the first books I picked up when I started learning about medical cannabis. I felt like I had a handle on THC, but what was up with CBD and the other cannabinoids? Just like you, I was full of questions. How does it work with your body? Why is it good for you? How is it different than THC? Will it even work?
Shira Adler provides answers in such a frank and easy-going tone that it doesn’t feel like you’re being talked down to. Reading this book makes learning about cannabis fun! If you’re new to the topic, or just want a fun read, add this book to your reading list.
2. Cannabis Pharmacy ~ The Practical Guide to Medical Marijuana

Kindle ($12.99)
Audiobooks ($14.95)
Paperback ($20.49)
“It’s all about the “endocannabinoid tone.”
Ready for the next level? This is the book for you. Michael Backes provides evidence-based information on using cannabis to treat an array of ailments and conditions. This is the book that I reach for the most when working with my Learning with Lucy clients to help them understand how cannabis will help with chronic ailments, like arthritis. The reading can be a little dense at first but the information will help transform so many aspects of your life that it’s worth the read. Here is an excerpt from the book:
“It has been established that the endocannabinoid system and its receptors are found in the synovial membrane of joints. It is also believed that cannabinoids may play a role in protecting cartilage in the joints. THC has been cited as having twice as much anti-inflammatory activity as hydrocortisone.” ~ M. Backes
3. MaryJane ~ The Complete Marijuana Handbook for Women
“I’d like to buy the world a toke!”
How many successful women tokers do we see in the media? Not that many. Cheri Sicard noticed and decided to do something to change things and I am here for it! Her book reveals everything women have wanted to know about cannabis but may have been afraid to ask.
This book is so helpful that I don’t just recommend it to my lady friends. There really is something for everyone in this handbook.Curious about cannabis makeup? Have questions about parenting and pot? This is the book for you for a great jumping off point once you’ve got the science down.
4. Higher Etiquette ~ A Guide to the World of Cannabis, from Dispensaries to Dinner Parties

Kindle ($4.99)
Audiobooks ($14.95)
Paperback ($17.49)
“We’ve talked about American life for the past 100 years and cannabis is now a big part of American life today.”
Maybe it’s been a minute since you found yourself passing the dutchie on the left-hand side. Do they even call it a dutchie, anymore? Thankfully, we have Lizzie Post to the rescue! Who is she? The great-great-granddaughter of Emily Post, the original author on proper etiquette.
I’m not much for audiobooks unless the author is narrating it and this did not disappoint. I got a good chuckle and even gaffed once or twice listening to her describe “stoner” habits in a refined manner. I recommend reading/listening to this one even if you are up-to-date on your stoner etiquette.
Don’t need the book–just need to freshen up your vocab?
Lucy’s Danktionary has you covered…and it’s free!
5. The Cannabis Manifesto ~ A New Paradigm for Wellness
“There is no such thing as the recreational use of cannabis.”
A pretty radical statement for some, but not for cannabis rights activist and cannabis reform advocate, Steve DeAngelo. Most of us in the industry call him the Father of the Legal Industry.
If you’re reading this, then you know cannabis is first and foremost medicine. Intentional, mindful use is what heals us, making cannabis reform effectively healthcare reform. Steve DeAngelo said it so eloquently: “The exception to the rule is misuse; any psychoactive material can and will be problematic for some percentage of the population—cannabis included.”
A lil’ bit of lagniappe
OK, so this isn’t a book recommendation I’m adding, but it’s still worth highlighting. Steve DeAngelo is primarily known for being the founder of The Last Prisoner Project, a national, nonpartisan nonprofit organization dedicated to cannabis criminal justice reform. You can listen to their podcast, Just Cannabis, free on Audible.
That’s great Lucy, but that’s A LOT of reading
Without someone to help guide you, medicating with cannabis ends up being a lot of trial and error, which is confusing and expensive. There’s so much information out there it can be overwhelming. Who has time to read it all? Lucky for you, I did. Medicating with cannabis without a coach is a lot of trial and error, which is confusing and expensive. Save yourself time and money with my Learning with Lucy coaching.
I offer personalized coaching sessions to help you navigate this new and exciting world.Let me be your lifeline to help you make the right decision for yourself the first time and help you clear up that canna-confusion.
Learning with Lucy Q&A Calls are the perfect way for you to find a solution to improve your world or reach a health goal. The Q&A session is as easy as 1-2-3.
Step One: | Review customized recommendations based on your needs, goals, and product availability |
Step Two: | Try out the products and follow the instructions provided during our call. Adjust your dose as necessary |
Step Three: | We circle back to review your progress, provide additional tips and advice, and send you on your way ready to Take Control of Your Healing. |